Improve Your Hair with PRP Therapy

Thinning hair can be a side effect of aging or underlying medical conditions. If you’re unhappy with the volume loss of your hair, you may be a candidate for regenerative therapy.

At Precision Regenerative Medicine, our regenerative specialist Tammy Penhollow, DO, specializes in nonsurgical platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy for hair loss

Dr. Penhollow uses PRP from your own blood to stimulate the growth of your own hair so that you can achieve natural, long-lasting results.

Why your hair is thinning

Thinning hair and hair loss (alopecia) can occur as you get older, especially if you have a family history of these issues. Hormone fluctuations, stress, and the use of certain medications for chronic diseases can also contribute to hair loss.

Men tend to experience the receding of their hairline, while women first notice thinning in the natural part-line of their hair. Hair loss can also occur as circular pattern bald spots at the crown of the head.

For many, hair thinning and loss occur gradually. As more of your scalp becomes visible, you may feel self-conscious about your appearance and start exploring your treatment options.

While there are several medications, including Rogaine® (topical minoxidil) and oral finasteride, designed to treat alopecia, regenerative PRP therapy is an alternative to consider if you’re looking for a more natural approach.

How PRP therapy stimulates hair growth

PRP is a substance in your blood that contains essential growth factors. The growth factors stimulate your body’s natural healing processes. When Dr. Penhollow injects PRP into the hair follicles of your scalp, it triggers the growth of new hairs.

To get the PRP she uses for your treatment, Dr. Penhollow draws a sample of your blood. She prepares it in a centrifuge, a quick-spinning device that separates the PRP from other blood materials. The resulting high concentration of PRP is what she injects into precise areas of your scalp. 

Dr. Penhollow also uses microneedling technology to introduce PRP into areas of your scalp where hair is thinning. We first apply a topical anesthetic to your scalp before your treatments to minimize discomfort. You may have some swelling and bruising at the injection sites that resolve within a few days. As with any injectable procedure, there is a small risk of infection.

Dr. Penhollow provides after-care instructions for your scalp. While you need to avoid strenuous activity for a day after treatment, you can expect to return to your routine by the next day.

Expectations for your PRP hair growth results

PRP therapy for hair loss doesn’t provide immediate results because it takes time for the growth factors to work at the level of your hair follicles. It may help to prevent new hair loss and to aid in stimulation of new growth of hair.

The goal of treatment is to notice your existing hair appears thicker. After your PRP injections, it can take 4-6 months to see new hair growth. Because PRP therapy stimulates the growth of your hair, your results will look and feel completely natural. 

At your initial consultation, Dr. Penhollow can discuss when you can expect to see your results based on your specific condition and hair regrowth goals. We recommend a series of three treatments, about 4-6 weeks apart and may also recommend annual maintenance injections to maintain your healthier, fuller hair for longer. We’ll also discuss lifestyle choices that can affect hair loss such as vitamin and mineral supplementation and quitting nicotine.

Call Precision Regenerative Medicine in Scottsdale, Arizona, to schedule a consultation for hair loss or book an appointment online today. 

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